3 biscuits
1 small avocado
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Himalayan salt
ground chilli flakes
10 pieces Sokołów classic salami chips
2 tablespoons canned corn
1/3 red pepper
5 pickled bay boletes
1 handful decorative parsley leaves
few drops linseed oil
- Cut avocado in half, remove seed, use spoon to take out the flesh and squash it carefully with a fork until homogeneous. Add garlic crushed in a press, lemon, salt and ground chilli flakes. Mix thoroughly.
- Cut salami chips into strips. Remove boletes from the marinade, dry them and cut into smaller pieces. Cut pepper into thin strips. Rinse corn.
- In a bowl, mix Salami chips, pepper, corn, mushrooms, parsley and a few drops of linseed oil. Smear biscuits with avocado paste, then put the contents of the bowl on them.