1 handful kale leaves
few drops olive oil
2 round sheets of puff pastry, approx. 12 cm in diameter
1 quail egg
1 teaspoon nigella
butter to smear on ramekins
6 Sokołów French kabanos sausages
2 tablespoons pickled onions
120 g piece raw Hokkaido pumpkin
2 tablespoons clarified butter
1 pinch ground chilli flakes
1 handful of Japanese bunapi-shimeji mushrooms
2 teaspoons dried tomato pesto
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
- Fry pumpkin seeds on a dry pan.
- Smear the inside (the sides and the bottom) of 2 ramekins or other 9 cm diameter baking cups with butter. Next, place them in the middle of the 2 sheets of puff pastry and press down gently. Use the pastry to cover the sides of the ramekins, then smear it with whisked quail egg and sprinkle with nigella. Put the prepared bowls on a baking paper-lined baking sheet and put in the oven preheated to 220°C. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until the sides are nicely golden brown. Set aside to cool then remove ramekins.
- Cut the pumpkin into thin strips resembling strands of pasta. Put pumpkin on a hot frying pan with clarified butter, season with salt and ground chilli flakes and fry for 5-6 minutes stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin ribbons are soft and golden.
- Cut off the stalks of mushrooms, then toss the caps on a hot pan with the remaining clarified butter and fry for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until nicely golden brown. At the end of cooking add a pinch of salt. Cut sausages into thin strips.
- Spread dried tomato pesto on the pastry bowls and then fill them with olive oil-sprinkled with kale, mushrooms, pumpkin pasta, rinsed onions, pumpkin seeds and sliced kabanos sausages.