Our main goal is to provide meat that will allow you to compose excellent quality meals. That's why we why care so much that the meat comes from a safe, reliable source.

Pork is a source of wholesome proteins, amino acids and valuable vitamins (folic acid and B vitamins) and minerals (including phosphorus, sodium, and potassium). They have a higher fat content than the other meats and therefore have a high caloric value. It is a component of valued cold meats and a wide variety of Polish traditional dishes. Ideal for cooking, frying, stewing and baking. When buying pork, you should check whether it is of high quality and choose meat from young pigs, without too much fat.

Veal has unique characteristics. It is characterized by a fine structure, a light pink colour and a low fat content. It is a good source of protein, zinc, potassium, iron, and vitamin B. It has a higher nutritional value than other types of meat, so it is recommended in the nutrition of children, seniors and persons seeking to obtain and maintain a slim figure. Because the low fat content it is also recommended for people with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and diabetic patients.

Beef is noble type of meat, distinguished by its excellent flavour and valuable nutrients. It is characterized by high content of proteins, B vitamins, phosphorus, iron and zinc. No wonder that it’s the “go to” meat for people who follow healthy trends, lovers of American cuisine and athletes who want to build muscle mass. Beef is not only great for classic dishes, such as roasts and stews, but also for traditional cuisine with a modern twist, which requires creativity, e.g. burgers, steaks and salads.

Poultry hides a wealth of easily digestible proteins, vitamins and minerals. In recent years, poultry has gained an advantage over other types of meat because of its low-fat content. It is especially recommended for people who want to lower their cholesterol level or lose some weight. There's a good reason the white meat is so common on the plates of athletes. This type of meat works well in any kitchen, and its ease of preparation encourages searching for new inspirations and taking up delicious culinary challenges.

Only in our company stores!
Thanks to cooperation with the best suppliers, Sokołów can offer the highest quality antibiotic-free fattening meat from 30 kg upwards. Now, you can buy them in all Gzella and Sokołów company stores.